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Construction Committee 1/25/07
Minutes of the Bolton Public Library Construction Committee

Present: Chris Rogers, Pam Czekanski, Mickie Simpson, Kelly Collins, John Rodenhiser, Bill Strapko, Roland Ochsenbein, Brent Gates

Absent: Joel Lindsay

Guest: Mark Giunta

Meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.  Roland Ochsenbein served as chair.  Kelly Collins agreed to take minutes.

The minutes from the meeting of January 11, 2007 were accepted unanimously without corrections (motion: Gates, second: Collins).

Our guest was Mark Giunta, chair of the Public Safety Building Study Committee.  
·       Mark noted that the committee is considering submission of an article funding the complete project for ATM 2007.
·       Mark informed us that the Board of Selectmen suggested that both the public safety building and library tie into the new wastewater treatment plant.  The schools’ use of the plant will drop off in summer, and our buildings’ use of it would keep the plant functioning during that time. Showing a GIS map, Mark traced the path of the pipe, noting concerns about the distance (estimating that it would take over 2000’ of pipe and 6 manholes to move waste from our buildings to the plant) and cost (estimated at $240K).  Mark proposed that the sum allocated in the library cost estimate for a septic system ($45K) would represent the library’s contribution to building the system; no greater amount would be expected from us.
·       Mark showed sketches of the proposed Public Safety building.  Curt Plante, member of the previous Police Station Study Committee, produced the sketches to show what the lot might accommodate and what the facility might look like.
·       Mark asked our committee to give him permission to contact our design engineer to discuss our septic plans.  He also asked if he could report to the Board of Selectmen our positive reception to the idea of tying into the treatment plant.  He would next work to see if the length of the run of pipe could be reduced.  Consensus was to support Mark’s inquiries, keep the dialog open, and possibly to appoint a liaison from each committee to the other.
·       The group briefly discussed the location of wells and water usage in both buildings and vicinity.  
·       LCC members cautioned Mark to approach abutters with the Public Safety Committee’s plans early in their process, and to be sensitive to their concerns.

The group turned its attention to the draft RFP.  All agreed to incorporate Jodi Ross’s suggestions.  Mickie Simpson will make changes to the draft and return it to Jodi for approval.  The group thanked Brent and Mickie for their diligence in producing the drafts.

Our next meeting will be on February 8 at 7:30 p.m.  The RFP will be the main agenda item.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.